Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Byron Body Tea: FULL REVIEW

In case any of you didn't see my first impression vid on this, here's the link. Long story short, I found a TeaTox from Australia (aren't like, 85.13% of healthy skin/teatoxes from Australia? Four for you, Australia, you go Australia) called "Byron Body Tea". It's supposed to suppress your appetite, stop bloating, help the digestive system, give you energy when you need it and help you sleep at night. After reading about this magical tea, my mother and I decided to give it a shot, seeing as though we both are looking to eat healthier. We got the twenty-eight day package, which came in two fourteen-day packs. I also bought a Tea Infuser Man (also mentioned in the video. If you watched it you can probably just skip this paragraph, by the way. Or keep reading and see how many bad jokes I can shove into this). With a five percent coupon that you can get just by liking them on Facebook, my total was roughly $60, give or take. Now, I have seen Teatoxes that were for less, but this one has also been proclaimed as the "best-tasting Teatox" that people have tried, and I'm rather picky when it comes to teas, so I succumbed.

I put this in caps and bolded because I am very upset with this fact. For one thing, it's super cute! It's a little man chilling in your mug while his pants infuse your tea, how adorable-sounding is that? And I say adorable-sounding because I have yet to actually see it with my own two eyes (four if you count the mornings when have to scramble for my glasses. Unimportant. Moving on). The very same day that I received my TeaTox package and found it 1 Tea Infuser Man less than expected, I went onto their website and emailed them (there's no phone number or else I would have called). Two days later, after I failed to receive a response, I tried again. Just in case it didn't go through, or something weird like that. It happens. A week after that, when I finally caved and bought two other tea infusers, I began the TeaTox and emailed them a third time. And I also commented on a picture they posted on their Instagram account. I didn't receive a reply via email, yet again. However, shortly after I posted the comment, they replied back in their comments, telling me that they get to all their emails during the business week, and that I should DM them so they know which email to look for. Which I did instantly, thinking that all my problems would be solved and I would FINALLY get the tea infuser I paid for. And still nothing. Needless to say I am not pleased with this. But that is all I will say about this matter because it's time to actually review the TeaTox itself, and not their below-par costumer service skills.

The flowers from the tea mix, after they've been used and dried
The instructions say to have it steep about 5-7 minutes. But when I steeped one cup of hot water with 1 1/2 tsp. of the tea, I ended up having to leave it in about 10-12 minutes for it to not taste like simply hot water with a few petals in it. Which is fine, I don't mind waiting a little extra for it, especially if that means the taste will be stronger. Plus, call me crazy, but when my beverage burns the top layer of my tongue, it pretty much ruins my day, so a few extra minutes of waiting is more than okay with me. The taste itself is not bad; very faint, but certainly not unpleasant. It's got African Mango seed, jasmine, Myosotis Sylvatica, Rosebud, Rosemary, etc. etc. There is an ingredient page on their site here explaining just about everything. It pretty much tastes exactly how you'd think this tea is supposed to taste based off of the ingredients. If you only let it steep for about 5-7 minutes, the taste will be even more faint, which is why you should definitely leave it in there longer. I am not putting any cream or sugar/sweetener into my tea, seeing as though I want to see if this actually helps me lose weight and I don't want to mess with that variable. Like I mentioned, I am very picky about tea tastes, and so if I can drink this regularly without any sort of enhancers in the tea, it's not bad at all. Just don't expect it to taste like English Breakfast Tea; you'll be sorely disappointed if you make that mistake. I will say that it is a very pretty tea mix; so pretty, in fact, that after I am done drinking the tea I empty out my infuser onto a paper towel to let the mix dry, and once they are I pick out all the flowers and put them in a mason jar, like in the picture above/to the left. It's really cute and I think once its full I'll put it on a shelf or something along those lines.

As far as the weight loss aspect of Byron Body Tea, I have come to the realization that there is a specific type of weight loss that this accomplishes. It relieves bloating, and stomach weight mostly. All the positive feedback I've been seeing/reading about have included pictures of stomachs looking smaller and flatter due to the tea. Which is great, I'm certainly not saying that it isn't. If you are working out and eating healthy(ish) and drinking this tea, and you have a stomach you would like to have less of, then yes, you will really like these results! Unfortunately for me, most of the losable-weight (is losable a word? It is for this) on my body is in my thighs. Which aren't bloated (duh), just not as toned as I would like them to be. So, I personally have not lost weight so far, and I am about nine days into my fourteen-day TeaTox (since my mother and I both took one of the fourteen-day packs in the twenty-eight-day package we bought). Which is a bummer, but I mean I haven't gained weight while on this, so that's a positive thing in and of itself! I am able to sleep well at night, which is always hard for me to do. I usually need Melatonin pills or ZQuil (or a really busy, hectic day) to help me fall asleep quickly, but since I've started this TeaTox, I've not taken any sleep aid medication, which I really like. As far as energy goes, it's not as drastic as having a double espresso shot in your coffee, but it's a nice gradual push to get you through your day. It's a nice, subtle amount, but not enough to keep me up when I take it at night.

Another thing I want to add, more of personal advice than a review on the product itself, is that I highly recommend that you do this TeaTox when you have the time to take this thirty minutes prior to each meal. The instructions tell you to take it three times a day, a half hour before you eat a big meal, to help suppress your appetite. Unfortunately, I do not always have the time to do this during the week, what with college classes and work schedule. I do it whenever I can, but sometimes it's only twice a day. Another reason why I don't always get the opportunity to have this tea thrice a day is because I've started this habit where I only eat when I'm hungry, rather than when I'm bored. It's a good habit for me, seeing as though I have long considered eating as a hobby and not a necessity. The problem here comes into play when I figure out I'm hungry and then have to wait an extra (alotted) forty minutes to actually eat due to making the tea and waiting a half hour to be able to eat, which doesn't really suppress my appetite, but instead merely prolongs it. This part is in no way a con to the Tea, because it's clearly not the tea's fault for my schedule and eating habits. Just a tip in case anyone has a similar schedule/regime as me. If you have a more lax schedule on a day-to-day basis, then a TeaTox you take three times a day is probably not an issue for you.

All in all, I would probably have to give the Byron Body Tea 3 out of 5 daisies (not using stars because why not mix it up a bit).

If I had gotten my Tea Infuser with my tea in the first place, or even a response to any of the multiple emails I sent to the company, then I'd have most likely given this TeaTox 4 out of 5 daisies. However, I did not, and they did not, hence a daisy was cut. It had to go. I'm not a fan of when companies don't respond or explain any errors in the system, but the product itself isn't half bad and helps me get through the day without a crash halfway through. The taste is in no way bad, but very faint. Personally, I enjoy the taste all by itself; it's a nice soft floral taste and it really helps me get ready in the mornings (I think that parts just the mental aspect of it but oh well). Price for the tea is towards the high side, but not too unreasonable, so long as you are serious about a TeaTox and prepared to be committed to it. However I would look for a less pricey TeaTox if you don't have much bloating/stomach weight to lose, because you will probably see the same amount of change.

So there you have it! My Byron Body Tea experience. I still have about four days left of the TeaTox, and I'll definitely keep using it until it's empty, and I will make a (much shorter) post here about my end results.

Stay Resplendent!

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